Monday 5 August 2013

Thank you all

Restless Six just wanted to say thank you all for a great time, Ian, Dawn, Richard & Allison for organising such a great event, Merinda for sharing a wealth of knowledge & fishing tips, Crystal for being so thoughtful, Meleleuka for some great entertainment, Phase 2 for the camera retrieval, Postcode for a glorious Sunday morning cruise & great hospitality, Rous Explorer for driving 2 slightly intoxicated crew to Yepoon for supplies, Solataire for some caps, Camac for taking the photos, apologies if we have missed anyone, most of all thank you all for your company, we look forward to next year, safe travels.


  1. Sounds like its been a great trip so far. Leave some good weather for us next week.

    Safe trip home everyone.


  2. Camera retrieval? Is it what it sounds like? I.e. mobile phone in Brisbane river?


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