Thursday 1 August 2013

The cruisers go pirate treasure hunting!

  Find Ye Treasure 


Under the ‘Southern Cross’ he sailed, a can of rum and coke in his hand, “Australia you rippin’ beauty” he screamed until the Head of Bustard put paid to his dream of one more Brisbane/Gladstone to his lore.

On that fateful night, he did espy a creek behind a rocky point in which to secure his stricken yacht.

Early the next morning with the approach of law enforcement, ol Capn’ Jobe knew he must hide his ill-gotten gains lest he be caught with pirate treasure.

Below are the clues that he wrote so that eventually he could return, his goodies could be found.


A line of mangrove roots, reminding ol Capn’ Jobe of an old derelict jetty is where to begin. The irony is that these roots actually now give direction to safe haven.

Walking north-east till the triangle meets the sky, find a legged stump. With sand-flies in abundance and struggling to think, in the distance is that cursed infernal contraption that was yet to be invented –  on closer inspection it is but an analogue.

But from this blessed spot, the stumps are aligned and point to a clump of mangroves.

Here ol’ Capn’ Jobe made his camp between two clumps of mangroves but served by sand with views to the west.

Pass through his camp with it’s barrel of drunk rum turned more useful. Past the fridge of broken dreams, look for a nursery in the sky .... head south past the stump till prickly pear is seen by the old creek.

Follow the creek bed till ye find a Eucalypt on legs, surrounded by pigface.

For here lies the treasure.


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